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3 Indications of a Prompt Door Replacement

Your exterior doors perform a number of vital functions. They serve as lovely design elements that help define your home’s overall look. They also keep the harsh elements and security threats at bay, while contributing greatly to your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. If you want your exterior doors to be capable of the same lasting and reliable performance, make sure they remain in top form.

Door installation

There will be a time, however, when your exterior doors will have sustained so much damage from age and extreme weather that they’ll barely be useable. You can invest indoor repairs to make the most of their service life, but if you spot these telltale signs on your units, it’s time for a better and more permanent solution—door replacement.

The top provider of quality door installation in Wichita, KS, All States Home Improvement, explains when investing in a door replacement makes sense.

1.Extensive Signs of Physical Damage — Doors will fail over time, whether by age or harsh weather. Surface wear and tear like cracks, holes, and breaks on the door’s panels and edges; damage to hinges that connect the door to the frame; peeling or fading paint, and rotted interiors are only a few indications. Any repairs you do now may not be enough—in fact, you may have to invest for more repairs in the future. With newer doors in Wichita, Kansas, however, you won’t have to worry about this issue, saving you considerably from the additional effort and further expenses.

2. Difficulties in Operation — As your doors fail, you’ll find them hard to open, close, or lock. Reasons include extreme and sudden changes in weather or temperature, which cause them to shrink and expand. This results in warps and gaps between the door and its frames. Loose and worn hinges on swinging doors or damaged tracks on sliding patio doors can also make them jam or sag.

3. Compromised Energy Efficiency — When your doors jam and stick or have cracks and gaps, they leave your home open to cold and moisture. This compromises your home’s thermal stability and leads to increased energy costs.

When you spot any or all of these signs, turn to All States Home Improvement for quality replacement doors in Wichita, KS. We offer a full selection of entry doors from Wincore and patio doors from Soft-Lite®. Combining beauty, durability, and energy efficiency, these doors can easily enhance the look and feel of your home. Both our entry and patio door options come with strong manufacturer’s warranty options and our own workmanship guarantee for greater ease of mind.

Fill out our form today for a free estimate.