Siding Installation Done Right: A Guide for Every Homeowner – Part II: Factors Affecting Proper Siding Installation
In the first part of this series, we discussed some of the ways to spot failures in siding installation. While those are not the only problems that can occur, they can definitely affect the expected lifespan of your siding, preventing your exterior cladding from performing as it should. But now that you’re aware of the pitfalls of poor siding installation, you can avoid it. You just have to make sure that you make the right choices at the very start, taking into consideration the following:
• Contractor. Always make sure that you work only with a reliable contractor. Taking on a DIY installation may appear to offer monetary savings but it can be costly for you in other ways. By working with a reputable contractor, you are assured that your siding installation is in the hands of a trusted professional. This means installation done right the first time, which not only prevents installation-related problems to arise but also allows your siding to perform as expected. To ensure you’re dealing with a legitimate contractor, ask for the necessary licenses and certifications. Don’t forget to check as well for liability insurance.
• Brand of Siding. Working hand-in-hand with proper installation to ensure your satisfaction in a siding project is your choice of siding itself. For siding to last, it needs to be of quality, and there’s nothing like a reputable manufacturer to give you the assurance that you’re getting top-notch siding. There will be different brands in the market for you to consider but don’t get overwhelmed. Enlisting the assistance of your contractor should help you zero in on the right siding brand for you.
• Siding Material. Siding can be made from a range of materials, each with their own advantages. Vinyl siding, for instance, is easy to maintain, doesn’t trap moisture, durable and easy to install. To help you figure out the right siding material for you to choose, don’t forget to factor in what will perform best in your local climate.
In Part 3 of this blog series, we’ll be discussing a few more siding tips and recommendations you might be interested in. Read on to learn more!